Quick-start guide

This page provides a quick-start guide to using and running NestFit on a real ammonia dataset. The data files are taken from the GBT KEYSTONE survey published by Keown et al. (2020) and may be downloaded from CADC, although access requires registration.

A detailed and complete script for processing the KEYSTONE data may be found in this GitHub repository. Various “book-keeping” functions are used to handle the spectral cubes, noise maps, and the priors, but the general procedure may be directly adapted to other ammonia datasets.

Applying NestFit to a dataset may be broadly broken down into four steps:

  1. Create the prior probability distributions and initialize the prior transformation class, PriorTransformer.
  2. Read data cubes and noise maps into the CubeStack class.
  3. Run the Bayesian inference with the CubeFitter class. This step produces a store file containing the posteriors and evidences per pixel per model per component.
  4. Post-process the store to aggregate per-pixel quantities into dense, multi-dimensional data products.

First import the relevant modules and classes:

import nestfit as nf
from nestfit import (

Prior probability distributions are central to the process of Bayesian inference and should be carefully considered for the problem at hand. Distributions are handled numerically and use interpolation when sampling values. Thus the user is required to supply “x” and “y” values for the prior PDF for each parameter. Note that it is best to avoid large ranges of zeros on the lower and upper bounds of the distributions. The ResolvePlacementPrior spaces velocity components apart from other based on the sampled centroids and linewidths.

# The user must supply the "x" and "y" array of values of the prior PDF for
# each parameter.
d_voff = Distribution(x_voff, y_voff)
d_trot = Distribution(x_trot, y_trot)
d_tex  = Distribution(x_tex,  y_tex)
d_ntot = Distribution(x_ntot, y_ntot)
d_sigm = Distribution(x_sigm, y_sigm)
# The numeric second parameter indicates the parameter of the model for
# the constant-excitation ammonia model, these are:
#   0 - "voff" velocity centroid
#   1 - "trot" rotation temperature
#   2 - "tex"  excitation temperature
#   3 - "ntot" total molecular column density
#   4 - "sigm" velocity dispersion (sigma)
#   5 - "orth" ortho-to-total fraction
priors = np.array([
            Prior(d_voff, 0),
            Prior(d_sigm, 4),
        Prior(d_trot, 1),
        Prior(d_tex,  2),
        Prior(d_ntot, 3),
        ConstantPrior(0, 5),
utrans = PriorTransformer(priors)

Now read in the datacubes, indexed by the transition ID of the molecule. For the ammonia inversion transitions, these correspond to (1,1) and (2,2).

cubes = [
        nf.DataCube('11_cube.fits', '11_rms.fits', trans_id=1),
        nf.DataCube('22_cube.fits', '22_rms.fits', trans_id=2),
stack = nf.CubeStack(cubes)

With our data and priors properly initialized, we are ready to run NestFit! Most of the important run-time parameters are set when initializing the CubeFitter class. Keyword arguements taken by MultiNest are passed with a dictionary from the mn_kwargs parameter. In this example the number of live points is set to 500. Further live points may be added in the fitting process based on the SNR of the data based on a multiplicative factor set with the nlive_snr_fact parameter. In this example, the number of live points is nlive = 500 + 20 * SNR. A larger number of live points ensures adequate posterior sampling of faint secondary spectral components in the vicinity of bright primary components. For a parallel run, set nproc to the desired number of threads. Setting nproc equal to 1 will run the cube fitting in serial mode, which is desirable for debugging purposes.

store_name = f'run/test'
runner_cls = nf.AmmoniaRunner
fitter = nf.CubeFitter(stack, utrans, runner_cls, ncomp_max=2,
        mn_kwargs={'nlive': 500}, nlive_snr_fact=20)
fitter.fit_cube(store_name=store_name, nproc=8)

Lastly, the post-processing steps may be run to aggregate the hierarchically stored values computed in the run into densely stored data products to be analyzed.

store = nf.HdfStore(store_name)
nf.postprocess_run(store, stack, runner, par_bins=None, evid_kernel=None,